What are Vietnamese Students really like?

This is a post about how Vietnamese students view themselves and the overall problems facing students and teachers alike.

How do Vietnamese students see themselves?

When I ask my students what they think about the schools and teachers in Vietnam the main response is “Boring”. And the result is the students see themselves as lacking and describe themselves as lazy. But let us look behind the scenes a bit more.

The number of students in the school and classroom is huge. It is not uncommon for a class to have 50 students and if you get a class with only 30 students you should consider yourself lucky. This is not conducive to good teaching. There is not much individual teaching done in the classroom.

Very basic classroom tools.

Teachers tend to stand in front of the blackboard and write down the lesson of the day and then get the students to copy. While the students are copying the lesson into their notebooks the teacher will often just sit behind his or her desk and play with their phone.

There is also a distinct lack of technology in the classroom. Whatever technology is in the classroom is often paid for by the parents. Televisions, microphones, and DVD players are more common. But don’t expect a classroom full of computers.

And there are reasons for all of the above too. It is not an easy fix. Let us start with the problems the teachers face.

Teachers Problems

The native teachers of Vietnam have to deal with a lot of problems. And some of these only come to light after you have been teaching here for a while.

After teaching here for about 5 years, I got to talk to one of the teachers. She was worried because she was having another baby. Baby number 3. It seems the Ministry of Education frowns on more than 2 babies per family, so she was worried this would adversely affect her career. That blew me away as I thought this sort of thing only happened in China.

Another problem we can all relate to is that they are grossly underpaid. Their monthly income barely pays for rent and the cost of living. Only a few years ago they were getting the equivalent of $300 to $500 per month. Living in a big city makes it very difficult to make ends meet.

Extra activities

As a result of this, a lot of teachers take on extra teaching activities at home. Sometimes informing the parents that if their children don’t attend the extra classes they will get bad grades. This would seriously affect the students’ post-school ambitions.

Scheduling and timetables are a huge drain on the teachers of Vietnam. With classes starting at 7.00 to 7.30 am and going through to 4 or 5 pm, this is a seriously long day. As well as the long day the teachers are pushed into taking as many classes as possible while still having their own “home class” to look after.

As mentioned before class sizes are huge, with classes of 50 plus students not uncommon. In fact, they are more the norm rather than the exception. Pity the poor introvert teacher who has 55 talkative outgoing students in their class.

Lesson planning helps overcome this and you can find out more ==> HERE <==

Vietnamese English teachers.

When I first started teaching in the public schools I thought all the Vietnamese English teachers would come up to me and want to talk. No, it didn’t happen, and I started to think it must be me. But it wasn’t, they were scared that if they talked to me they would be found out that their English language skills were lacking.

Some of the faults of the Vietnamese English teachers are probably easy to understand. They focus more on Grammar than pronunciation. The outcome being the students know the grammatical aspects of the English language better than most native English speakers. However, they either can’t speak or are very limited in their speaking skills.

Native English speakers

And it is for this reason that native English speakers from the USA, England, Australia, and many other countries are employed to teach in the schools. Often this is also funded by the students’ parents.

Don’t get me wrong. There are some seriously good Vietnamese English teachers out there. But they are in the minority and are more progressive in their teaching approach. And even though I haven’t been told, I would think the “establishment” would consider their teaching methods too liberal.

Teaching English is both profitable and fun if you are a good teacher. But first, you have to learn before you earn. Udemy is a great resource for studying anywhere in the world. To check out their classes click the link below.

Now is a great time to get your English teaching license as the borders in Vietnam are just starting to open. You can find out more about International flights ==> HERE <==

The Vietnamese students | What are they like.

When it comes to learning English, Vietnamese students face many problems. It’s difficult in schools where class sizes are huge and English teachers are scarce in both quantity and quality.

One of the key issues is proper pronunciation. Students find it difficult to converse in English as a result of current teaching methods. English education should focus on helping students to speak and communicate effectively in the real world, not just on grammar.


When I started my journey as an EFL ( English as a foreign language) teacher, I envisioned spending 1 or 2 years in a lot of countries around the world. Time for “time-traveling”

I came to Vietnam first on holiday about 16 years ago after my first marriage fell apart, and I was desperately looking for something. But didn’t know what I was looking for.

I traveled from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city and met some amazing people, both locals and fellow tourists. I stopped off at a lot of places and had a great time.

After returning to my home country I knew I had been bitten by the travel bug. So I sorted my affairs, lol. And did a course on Teaching English and hightailed it back to Vietnam.

Fast forward to today.

I am still in Vietnam and one of the biggest reasons is the students. I find them fun and inquisitive, they are eager to learn and if you approach your class in the right way they will show you respect. it is not uncommon for students to bow to you outside the classroom. however, with the older students, I try to get them to just say “Hi” and introduce their parents.

Even though they describe themselves as lazy, they are some of the hardest working and enjoyable students I have ever had the pleasure to teach.

Students the world over.

Like students everywhere, they will test you and push your buttons. but once you have established the ground rules and talk to them at the same level and not down to them, you gain their respect and attention. 

I now have my own school in Vietnam. Lately because of Covid we have been teaching online. Yes, I still teach as I love it, it keeps me young. Teaching online produces its’ own problems. You can find out more ==> HERE <==

Once again the students have buckled down and worked exceptionally well. The online classes I do focus on pronunciation, talking, and vocabulary. Homework, yes I give homework, is written work. Below is one example of an assignment about work experience from one of my students. Jenny. An English nickname is chosen by her.

Jennys’ blog on work experience.

Written by one of my students.

“The work experience I had as a vet was one of the most difficult and rewarding experiences of my life. The first day was exciting but overwhelming. I had never seen so many animals at once and there were many different types of them.

I learned how to identify and diagnose the animal’s symptoms and what might be wrong with them. I had to make some tough decisions on whether we should euthanize the animal or not, especially when they were in pain and we couldn’t help them anymore. It made me feel really emotional because you could tell that they trusted me to help them have a better life.”


I have not changed anything in this and am very proud to share it, with her blessing. She just asked, if you like it please share and leave a comment. She would be chuffed for a foreigner to reach out and say she is doing well. Jenny is only 14 years old, so pretty impressive.


Normally at the end of every post, I talk about myself, but as this post covers this, it could be better to show you my house in Vietnam. If you click on the YouTube button below it will take you to my YT account and you can check out my house with me.

Any or all links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation, you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

How to teach Business English | Tips and Tricks

SWOT analysis for business

Teaching Business English is fun and rewarding

Teaching business English intimidates many EFL teachers. This is due to the misunderstanding that teaching business English is different than classroom teaching. But it’s more about helping students in honing their English skills for use in a professional setting. Here are some pointers to help you get started teaching business English.

Find out the Students Goals

You’ll be dealing with busy individuals who are used to achieving goals. As a result, you should talk about what they want to achieve realistically with them at the start of the course. This usually entails breaking down tasks into abilities such as telephoning more successfully, writing more logical emails, and chairing meetings, among other things.

Do a Needs Analysis

Teachers should assist in the development of these goals by analyzing the requirements of the students early on. This ‘needs analysis’ can then be shared with the students and referenced back to during the course to keep them engaged and motivated. Keep in mind that people’s occupations evolve and change over time, so you may need to agree on new goals in the future.

The learning Intent.

A discussion about the context in which the students intend to use the training should be a crucial element of the needs analysis process. What is their motivation for studying English? How and with whom do they communicate at work, and why?

Someone learning English for the purpose of brushing up on their proficiency will have different demands and expectations than someone learning English to lead a team working in another nation.

We must also keep in mind that business is performed on a worldwide scale, and your pupils will almost certainly be communicating with non-native languages. Researching cross-cultural communication and learning how people from other backgrounds conduct business is a smart idea.

Be Professional in your manner

Teach in a professional manner. Pay attention to what you say, how you act, and how you dress. If you’re going to work for a corporation, you’ll need to be punctual, professional, and knowledgeable.

Remember that business English students, like other students, require motivation. Businessmen and women rely on their trainers to keep their energy levels up, and like other classes, there must be some element of fun.

In a business English classroom, student talking time should be significantly higher, so make sure there are plenty of chances for group task work and speaking practice. Leave reading and writing for self-study or assignments as much as feasible.

Choosing Course Content

Students will want you to bring resources to class. There are several books and online resources accessible, but it is critical to select materials that generate ‘genuine’ classroom circumstances.

The students are probably the most valuable resource. They may be able to give you actual resources from their professional lives, such as what they need to read and comprehend, or even develop and deliver.

Leaflets, emails, PowerPoint presentations, and reports are examples of these types of materials. Learners will most likely anticipate you using some of these resources to construct your own worksheets.

Determine which resources are relevant and what your students hope to gain from the lesson. Then come to an agreement on how to address these needs.

PRO TIP: learn how to turn Powerpoint into Video ==> HERE <==

Adapt to your clients’ needs | Be flexible

Strong results and adaptability are expected by businesspeople. They may request classes before starting work, over lunch, or at the conclusion of the day.

As a result, trainers may find themselves working long days, starting the first class at 7.30 a.m. and ending the last class in the evening.

Students may cancel at the last minute due to unanticipated circumstances like an essential sales call or a critical meeting.

Include a cancellation policy in your contract.

We must understand that work is definitely the top priority for learners in the workplace. It’s a good idea to arrange a cancellation policy with the company ahead of time to lessen our work stress.

Request that they notify you 24 to 48 hours in advance. If a class is canceled inside that time you have every right to charge a cancellation fee.

Another issue could be the number of students in class. It can happen that you have prepared for a class of 10 people and only one person shows up. Try to come up with some one-on-one activities.

And prepare for different skill levels in the same class. You may have some advanced students sitting next to beginners. Use this as an opportunity to get the better students to coach the weaker learners.

How can I become a Business English Teacher?

Make sure you’re TEFL or TESOL certified before applying to online and face-to-face Business English teaching jobs since almost all employment in this niche will require you to have a professional English Teacher certificate of at least 120 hours.

It’s even better if you can do a Specialized Certification course in Teaching Business English, as this is a competitive sector, and having specialized training can help you earn more.

An easy go-to for getting qualified anywhere in the world is Udemy. They are recognized and professional and offer a full range of cost-effective courses. And they provide several options.


Teaching business English can be a fun and profitable experience. Although there are a range of skills and tactics required, it all boils down to adequate preparation and a professional attitude.

Who am I?

My name is Steve, and I have been teaching in Vietnam for 15 years. I have 2 schools and am currently teaching online because of Covid. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures and have a weakness for chocolate and beer. You can check out my house in Vietnam below.

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Any or all links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation, you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

How to design a lesson plan | EFL

Lesson Planning.

The Importance of lesson Plans

A lesson plan is a tool that teachers use every day to establish what students will learn, how the lesson will be delivered, and how learning will be assessed. Lesson plans give teachers a clear structure to follow throughout each lesson, allowing them to be more effective in the classroom.

It allows teachers to debate over their lesson goals, the types of activities that will fulfill those aims, the order of those activities, the supplies required, the length of each exercise, and how students should be organized.

What should a good lesson plan include?

It should include the information and actions that must be completed within a certain amount of time. Teachers should be have a step-by-step road map to help them delve deeper into what they’re teaching. This should tell you how the instruction should proceed within the lesson’s framework.

The second thing to consider is whether or not the students are grasping what you’re teaching.

A lesson plan helps teachers in more ways than you may think. In addition to planning for factors that are critical for good in class learning, they can also help in the following.

A Twinkl resource:

Preparing for the 3 key areas of learning.

A coherent teaching structure should be followed by the teacher because it is critical to cover the three primary areas of teaching.

1 A lesson plan reveals the course’s primary goals, students should leave class with a full understanding of the topic covered.

2. The course’s main goals are followed

3. Teaching and learning goals are met and an assessment method is incorporated.

And even more, It helps;

Builds Students Confidence in Teachers.

Becoming a more confident teacher once you have an updated lesson plan in your hands. It will help you to be up to date on the most recent teaching techniques.

You will not be seen as adhering to the old school of thought, but will instead be seen as using fresh teaching methods. A lesson plan will assist you in adhering to the most successful teaching approaches.

Your reputation as a confident, well-informed, and knowledgeable teacher who introduces new and better teaching skills to the classroom will be enhanced.

Help students by neither repeating nor forgetting lessons.

Frequently teachers neglect or repeat subjects already taught. The lack of a lesson planning has resulted in this problem.

You’ll be able to avoid accidental omissions or repeats if you have a lesson plan. This will prevent your students from being advanced from one grade to the next with insufficient skills.

Helps with possible changes.

There are some points that can be checked and updated while preparing the lesson plan. It enables teachers to employ various tactics, methods, and technologies in order to make the teaching process more engaging and fun.

Lesson plans assist teachers prevent mistakes by clarifying what they are teaching and preparing for any questions that may arise.

Prior planning prevents text book Fatigue

There are numerous fantastic guidelines with decent resources that allow a teacher to build a successful lesson plan utilizing the syllabus. These manuals often include solved problems and notes, allowing teachers to save time.

As a result, they will have more time to concentrate and learn. As a result, a strong lesson plan keeps students from relying too heavily on textbooks.

Promotes purpose driven content.

You can design your lessons more purposefully using a lesson plan as a teaching tool. A methodical teaching pattern is the foundation of good classroom management.

You will be able to offer the subject matter straight and clean if you have a well-mapped out plan of learning activities and routines.

So in brief a lesson plan serves as a quick reference tool for all teachers. Teachers who are willing to present the material in a way that is both logical and well-informed.

So, let go and prepare our lesson plan. below are 5 steps to help you prepare your own lesson plan. And rather than using a generic lesson plan that does not reflect your personality.
I strongly advise to take the time and write your own.

You can always change your own material and make it relevant for different grades. This will save you time in planning and angst in the classroom. Let’s go….

5 steps for preparing your lesson plan.

1. What are the learning objectives.

The first thing is to find out what you want your pupils need to know and be able to do by the conclusion of class. Ask the following questions to help you define your student learning goals:

  • What is the lesson’s subject?
  • What do I want students to take away from this experience?
  • At the end of class, what do I want them to know and be able to do?
  • What do I want students to remember about this lesson in particular?

After you’ve written down the learning objectives for the class meeting, prioritize them. In the event that you are pressured for time, this phase will prepare you for managing class time and completing the most critical learning objectives.

2. Plan the specific learning activities

Create several alternative ways to explain the information to capture your students’ attention and appeal to various learning styles. Predict how much time you’ll spend on each of your examples and activities as you set them out.

Allow time for detailed explanations or discussions, but also be prepared to move rapidly to new applications or challenges, as well as to establish ways for ensuring understanding. These questions will assist you in creating the learning activities you’ll use:

3. Plan to test student understanding.

Consider asking specific questions you can ask students to check for understanding, write them down, and then paraphrase them so you may ask the questions in a variety of ways.

Try to foresee what kinds of responses your inquiries may provoke. Determine whether pupils should respond verbally or written.

4. Create a lesson time frame.

Estimate how much time each activity will take, then leave some extra time for each. When making your lesson plan, write how much time you estimate each activity to take next to it.

Plan to spend a few minutes at the end of class answering any outstanding questions and summarizing important concepts.

If you have time left over, plan an extra activity or a discussion question.

Be adaptable – rather than adhering to your initial plan, be willing to change your lesson plan to meet the needs of your students and focus on what appears to be more fruitful.

5. What am I going to do to explain the subject and get the students interested?

Some of the techniques and tools you can use are:

Interaction with the material

If students are asked to interact with the material in some way, they are more likely to remember the information offered in these methods.

Digital content

Students practice making decisions in virtual environments, visualizing the effects and or repercussions. i have more information on this ==> HERE <==

Collaboration with others

Peer relationships, informal support structures, and interactions and relationships between teachers and students.

Critical thinking and problem solving

Students are given a problem, setting, example, challenge, or creative issue to confront or deal with, and they are then required to think about or apply their knowledge and information in new and innovative ways.

Age and level Relevance.

Perhaps the one most overlooked in the classroom. You should have lesson plans for students of all ages and skill levels. Your lesson plan should cover these levels at least.

1) Kindergarten, quick and rapid with lots of variations to keep kids interested at the most basic level.

2) Children, lots of games and fun activities, yet some rigorous book-based learning. It is not necessary for it to be as fast-paced as kindergarten

3) Adolescents. (Secondary school) I like to perform one activity at the beginning and one at the end of the lesson. There will be a greater emphasis on book study.

4) Adults are the fourth group. With the comments, you can be a little more daring. More emphasis on acquiring and mastering all abilities.

You can check out more ==> HERE <== ESL lesson plans for beginners.


Great lesson plans will help you in so many ways. It is vital that you get your head around creating a good lesson plan. If you can do this, your teaching life will be a lot easier. Canva also has some great resources for lesson planning.

Lesson plan resources

And who am I. My name is Stephen and I have been teaching in Vietnam for 15 years and own 2 schools. I love traveling and meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. You can check out my house in Vietnam below on YouTube.

You Tube logo

Any or all links on this site maybe affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

Mistakes to avoid as an EFL teacher.

Mistakes to avoid before you start working.

You have your new TEFL or TESOL certificate and you are busy applying for new teaching positions. Everything is great and you are fired up to take the first job offered. Slow down and look closely at what you are doing.

Time and again I see new teachers coming into the market all starry eyed, only to be taken advantage of.

The Most Common Mistakes Made by New Foreign Teachers:

Failing to consider out-of-classroom work and, as a result, making mistakes like accepting lower hourly rates or agreeing to frequent extracurricular activities that stretch beyond the contract.

Not inquiring about the employer’s expectations before starting work, as well as the employer’s history.

A failure to fully read the contract. Just because an employer says something is fine and dandy does not make it always so. Look out for penalty clauses in your contract. Will you be docked 1 hour pay if you are 5 minutes late?.

In places like HCMC in Vietnam the traffic will mean you will be late at some time.

Failure to prepare backup classes or materials in the event that something goes wrong on the employer’s end (lost books, equipment failure, missing lesson plans). Always make sure you have a back up lesson in place.

Soon a new group of teachers will be starting soon, so stay tuned for additional information.

Mistakes to avoid in the classroom.

Being the too fun teacher.

Yes, teaching English should be enjoyable, but there will be no learning if you lose control of your students and they do not regard you as a trustworthy educator.

Setting your rules from the beginning will allow you to have more fun with your pupils later on. Introduce a set of norms and stick to them, as well as the penalties that come with them.

Once you’ve done that, your students will behave better, allowing you to have more fun along the way.

Using the Same Lesson Plan for All Levels

This is a common mistake made by rookie teachers who believe they can teach all levels of pupils in the same way. Begin a new course by taking a grade test to determine the students’ proficiency level, and then schedule your lessons accordingly.

This does not imply that you must plan each and every lesson from scratch. A lesson plan can be tweaked and activities swapped out to make it appropriate for each level. Also don’t improvise, you do need a lesson plan, however basic it may be.

Don’t follow the textbook to a tee

EFL textbooks aren’t known for being page-turners. Add new exercises to your textbooks, skip the ones that aren’t working, and alter the ones that aren’t working.

Just keep in mind not to fully disregard the textbook. It is likely that the students paid for it out-of-pocket, that it provides structure to the lesson, and that understanding of its contents may be useful to your pupils in future classes.

Speaking too quickly or slowly.

When you speak too quickly or too slowly, it can be difficult for foreign students to understand what you’re saying.

When teaching English to speakers of different languages, as you learnt throughout your TEFL certification course, you must be extremely careful with your voice.

When a teacher is really engaged in a session, they frequently speak in their natural voice, which can be difficult for pupils to understand, particularly those with a low level of English. Simultaneously, do not speak too slowly when educating advanced students; otherwise, they will become bored and you will lose their attention.

Over correcting.

During your TEFL certification course, you’ll have learnt a lot about correcting errors in the EFL classroom, so keep these guidelines in mind when you’re in the classroom teaching a lesson. Some teachers insist on correcting every single grammatical or pronunciation error that a pupil makes.

While it is important to rectify errors in written work, it is not necessary to be as stringent in conversational English. If you constantly correct your students they will become too scared to talk in the classroom. Accuracy is less crucial than fluency.

Teaching each student the same way.

You shouldn’t teach every single kid the same manner, just as you shouldn’t utilize the same lesson plan for all of your students. With practice, you will be able to identify the strengths and shortcomings of each and every student you teach

Some children require more assistance with writing, while others require more assistance with reading. After a few lessons, you’ll have a better understanding of your students and be able to adjust your teaching method to meet their needs.

At the same time, you can assign different homework exercises to different children and educate their parents about what needs to be changed.

Remember we all learn in different ways.

Blaming the students if they don’t understand.

If your students don’t understand something, it’s almost often because you didn’t provide the information in a way that they could comprehend. It is your obligation as a teacher to explain, show, and model things until your students understand them.

Only time will allow you to gain a thorough understanding of your students’ learning methods and preferences, and this knowledge will aid you in presenting new concepts swiftly and easily.

Talking too much.

This is one of the most common blunders made by rookie ESL teachers. Simply said, learning to talk necessitates your kids speaking.

Your kids aren’t talking if you’re talking about what you did last weekend. Encourage your pupils to start conversations instead.

Let your students to go over the answers to an exercise if you need to. It will take time and work to make your classes more student-centered rather than teacher-centered. However, recognizing the issue is the first step.

Pretending you know everything.

Your English, like that of your students, has limitations. Sooner or later, one of your students will ask you a question that you will be unable to answer. It’s not something you made up.

Instead, admit that your understanding is limited and assure the student that you will get back to them. And make sure you do. Failing on a promise will lower your skills and teaching ability in the eyes of the students.

Not using technology in the classroom.

There are a lot of tools and resources available to make the learning experience more exciting for your students. Don’t forget to spice up your lessons. You can find out more about some tech tools for the classroom ==> HERE <==

Not having any fun in the classroom.

Create a stimulating learning environment by incorporating interesting fun activities into your class planning. This will not only assist your students in learning English quickly, but it will also be enjoyable for you as the teacher.

Teaching English is a rewarding and enjoyable job with numerous benefits. It’s fine to crack a joke now and again and play games in the classroom if they’re relevant to English learning, of course. A good teacher is one who is happy and fun.

Not updating your skills

All too often I see teachers who become complacent and think they know it all. It is the great teacher who continues to learn and improve his classroom skills. A great company who provides additional learning is ==> UDEMY <==


Hopefully, these pointers will make your EFL teaching adventure a little less difficult. Learn more about how to get started on this type of journey by clicking here.

Who am I.

my name is Stephen and I have been teaching EFL in Vietnam for 15 years and own 2 schools. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. I hope you join me in discovering the world.


Any or all links on this site maybe affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.








The best places to teach English abroad.

What are the best places to teach English abroad?

I’ve compiled a list of my top 6 destinations to teach abroad in 2022, ranked by salary, quality of life, and cultural immersion. Despite current worldwide Covid restrictions, all countries are safe and open to teachers.

However some restrictions are worth noting, for example most schools will only employ teachers who have had 2 jabs of the vaccine.

Continue reading to learn about opportunities to enhance your career in another country next year!

Teaching English overseas.

Teaching English in a foreign country is a fantastic way to travel the world and have a life-changing experience. The most challenging aspect of EFL teaching is determining where in the world to go.

There are so many interesting countries to visit that deciding where to go might be tough.

I have compiled a list of the top 6 countries to teach abroad in 2022 based on the popularity of each country on, Google search activity, and the number of teaching jobs available. (Not in order)

I want to make your decision a little easier for you, or even motivate you to think about teaching overseas in the first place.

Hold on to your hat, let’s dive in.


  • $1,100 to $2,300 per month is the average monthly pay range.
  • Monthly living expenses range from $900 to $1,400 or more depending on your lifestyle
  • Native speaker, bachelor’s degree ( Some schools still fly under the radar ), 120-hour TEFL or TESOL certificate, and under are the minimum prerequisites.
  • Do not expect much in perks.

Vietnam is recognized for its lush, spectacular landscapes as well as its laid-back culture. Vietnam attracts millions of tourists and expats in a typical year. In today’s world, Vietnam is one of the greatest places to work as an ESL teacher; there is a terrific work-life balance, and you’ll most likely be working far less than the traditional nine-to-five.

You can read a lot more about Vietnam on my website. www.vietnamesl.com

Due to Vietnam’s vigorous response to the Covid-19 outbreak, foreigners have recently found it difficult to enter the country; nevertheless, ESL teachers are now permitted to enter as “expert” personnel. The government’s restrictions on ESL teachers have been varied, but people continue to enter the nation nonetheless


  • $2,100 to $4,000 per month is the average monthly pay range Plus completion bonus.
  • Monthly living expenses range from $800 without rent to $1,600 including rent or more depending on your lifestyle
  • Native speaker, bachelor’s degree, 120-hour TEFL or TESOL certificate, and under are the minimum prerequisites.
  • Perks included are end of contract bonus, housing, flights and health insurance.

When you think of teaching English abroad in Asia, you generally think of popular TEFL/TESOL destinations like South Korea, China, and Japan, but Taiwan is quietly but steadily catching up to these TEFL/TESOL heavyweights as one of the greatest countries to teach English.

Taiwan is a culturally varied and economically booming country with a vibrant culture and friendly population, located close off the coast of mainland China. In Taiwan, teaching salaries are increasing and can range from $1,500 to $2,000 USD per month, with most institutions offering a bonus at the end of the teaching contract.

The demand for EFL teachers in Taiwan greatly outnumbers the quantity of competent teachers, which means that TEFL/TESOL-certified teachers looking for a top-notch teaching position will have lots of options.


  • Salary range: $835 to $1,900 per month on average.
  • The average monthly cost of living is between $800 and $1,200
  • Teaching assistants must be under the age of 60 and have a bachelor’s degree.
  • They must also have a teaching license for private schools.
  • Benefits that are common: health-care coverage

Spain is without a doubt one of the most popular places in Europe to teach English. Spain is known for being laid back in comparison to the rest of Europe, and it has a better work-life balance than many other Western countries, making it excellent for English teachers working overseas.

When you’re not teaching, take advantage of Spain’s allure, which includes its rich culture, history, and, of course, cuisine. Although an English teacher’s pay in Spain is low, I can tell you from personal experience that the cost of living in Spain is far lower than in other European nations, allowing your euros to go further. If you’re short on cash, complimentary tapas, such as those served in Granada, will do.

United Arab Emirates

  • Salary range: $3,300 to $5,500 on average
  • The average cost of living is $1,350 to $1,900 a month.
  • Bachelor’s degree, TEFL certification, teaching experience, native or fluent speaker are the minimum requirements.
  • Housing, travel, and health insurance are all common perks.

The United Arab Emirates has quickly become one of the most popular ESL teaching destinations in the world, with its popularity growing year after year.

The prerequisites for teaching in the United Arab Emirates are more stringent than in other countries, but the benefits are definitely worthwhile.

Although it may be easier to find jobs with official teaching qualifications, it is not impossible to find work with simply a TEFL certification. But it might take some adjusting as a foreigner living in the UAE. As explained below.

Swearing via Whatsapp and other forms of social media in the UAE is punishable by a $68,061 fine and jail, with expats facing deportation.

Before visiting the United Arab Emirates, it is critical that you investigate any new legislation that have been established for your personal protection.

South Korea

  • Salary range: $1,800 to $4,000 on average.
  • The average cost of living is $1,000 to $1,400 per month plus.
  • Bachelor’s degree, native English speaker from an English-speaking country, and TEFL certificate for public school roles are the minimum requirements.
  • Housing, travel, health insurance, and a contract completion incentive are all common bonuses.

South Korea is one of the most popular TEFL/TESOL destinations among graduates, and it consistently ranks among the finest places to teach English overseas. ESL teachers who travel to this East Asian country to teach will find modern cities, competitive pay ranging from $1,800 to $4000 USD per month (with free accommodation), magnificent natural beauty, and more.

Korea is known for its safety and great public transit, making it simple to see the country’s treasures, such as the iconic Seoul Tower and the 600-year-old Bukchon Hanok Village.

South Korea could be the TEFL/TESOL option for you if you’re seeking for a modern teach-abroad experience in a dynamic country.


  • Salary range: $1,700 to $5,000 per month on average
  • The average cost of living ranges from $1,300 to $2,200 per month.
  • A bachelor’s degree is required, as well as the ability to communicate in a native or fluent manner.
  • Housing, travel, health insurance, and a contract completion incentive are all common bonuses.

Japan has long been one of the most popular destinations for English teachers from throughout the world. It’s a country rich in natural beauty, spectacular scenery, and, above all, thriving cities.

It also features one of Asia’s most distinct traditional cultures, which attracts a large number of expats and English teachers. Whether you reside in the center of Tokyo or in a small village under the shadow of Mt. Fuji, you’ll never be bored in Japan.

You didn’t mention China.

And here is a direct quote from a law firm. This will explain why I do not recommend China.

If you are thinking about taking a job teaching English in China, my strong advice is DON’T DO IT.

Let me explain….

My law firm’s international lawyers have always gotten a steady stream of emails from English teachers in foreign countries who are in trouble or not getting paid. Though these matters are invariably too small for us (or just not the sort of work we handle), we do try to help to the extent we can. That “help” usually consists of an email providing “fly-by” legal or career help or even emotional support. We view helping these teachers as a sort of a public service.

Our lawyers have inadvertently found themselves on the front lines with this, even though we have never made a single cent from representing an English teacher anywhere in the world.

You can read more here at ==>Harris | Bricken<==

And if you can’t travel, you can always teach on line.

Teaching English online may be the ideal method to test the waters and see if teaching English abroad is suited for you till the world becomes more stable.

The majority of online ESL companies cater to children in Asia, however there are chances in a variety of locations and with a range of age groups. More on this later.


You can find out more about teaching in Vietnam ==> HERE <==

Who am I?

My name is Stephen and I have been teaching EFL for 15 years and own two schools. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. I hope you join me in discovering the world.


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There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.





Free Video Tools for Teachers | Screencast-O-Matic.


Encourage students to talk.

Use video discussions to engage pupils. Allow students to write down their views or ideas about a school topic, or assist them in communicating with you on a deeper level. Use video to enhance the learning experience and to drive the discussion.

Make a genuine connection

Students can communicate with their teachers through video. Outside of the classroom, develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with pupils. Use video to convey ideas, provide comments, and provide direction to pupils.

Boost student achievement

Assist pupils in achieving greater levels of performance. They can use video to improve their learning experience by sharing and collaborating with teachers and other students. Recognize how you may assist them in improving their learning just by initiating a more in-depth dialogue.

Assignments for Students

Use your imagination when it comes to student projects and assignments. Encourage your kids to make their own videos to express themselves and their thoughts. Encourage them to make their own how-to video or collaborate on a group project with other kids.

Encourage active learning.

Through video assignments, students may take control of their learning and develop a better comprehension of what they’ve learned.

A new generation’s homework

Assign films to students and communicate with them one-on-one outside of the classroom in an effective fashion. Use videos to prepare for class so you can cover more material in class. If students have questions, they can watch and re watch videos. There’s no need to wait until class to get started.

Go ahead and be imaginative!

Encourage your kids to make their own videos to express themselves and their thoughts. Encourage them to make their own how-to video or collaborate on a group project with other kids. With video, the possibilities are unlimited.

Capture Lectures

Capture your lectures so that students can see them at their leisure. Students who need extra time to review course material or who were unable to attend class can benefit from videos. Create a channel on Screencast-O-Matic, share video links, or add content to an online course.

With video, you can save time.

Create and organize a lecture video library. For flipped lessons, re purpose lecture videos. Create a channel on Screencast-O-Matic and share it with the class, or add content to an online course.

Expand your reach.

Using video, keep everyone up to date. Perfect for students who are unable to attend class or who require additional time to examine class material.

Learning and Development

Make every effort to be the best instructor you can. Continue to improve your talents by using video for professional growth. Capture and share new tools and procedures. Make video lessons to assist educators in learning new approaches to improve their classroom training.

Capture and Share.

As you travel through new tools and technologies, record your screen and/or webcam. To polish and enhance your videos, use the simple video editor.

Videos can help you improve your skills.

Create videos for professional development courses quickly and easily. Create educational training films, tutorials, or courses. With video, everyone gets the training they require.


Digital classroom strategies

Introduce flipped/blended learning concepts and show educators how to use video in the classroom.

Share methods and insights on how to integrate technology in the classroom, as well as impediments and step-by-step instructions for using video.

With video, you can improve your whole learning experience.

Learning that is flipped or blended

Simple video tools that allow you to concentrate on what really matters: your pupils. Create tutorials or lessons for use in the classroom. Students can learn on their own by watching videos. This allows you to make better use of your in-class time.

Make the most of your class time.

Use video to engage and collaborate with students in a flipped or mixed learning environment.

Boost student achievement

Share movies with your students to get them ready for a conversation in class. Make sure your students are familiar with the material before they come to class. During classroom sessions, encourage deeper discussions and comprehension.

Make friends with the students.

Create stronger bonds with your pupils by using video. To connect with students, capture your distinct personality and teaching approach. Allow people to hear and see your voice! Allow a conversation to take place outside of the classroom with your kids.

Mentorship and Feedback

With video, you can connect and establish relationships. You may use video to create a genuine two-way connection with your students. To encourage thoughtful conversations and collaborative thinking, make it simple to conduct individualized video mentorship and receive student responses.

Through video, you can converse and mentor.

Give pupils advice and insights to help them understand what they’re learning. For collaborative learning, ask insightful questions and receive video responses.

Empower your students to take an active role in their education by using video to connect and interact.

Feedback that is guided

To mark your feedback on assignments, record and draw on your screen. Encourage pupils to delve deeper into class subjects by asking meaningful questions.

Final Thoughts.

When you have the video and a platform to share it with an “authentic audience,” you have control over the learning… The pupil develops an interest in their studies. They strive to be better at whatever they do.

The video adds a human element to online learning and any blended learning you’re trying to implement. With flipped learning, you’re attempting to strengthen relationships with kids, and I’m doing that using video.

Click on this link and sign up for free. ==> HERE <==

If you like this, look at my other website about a FREE content writer tool.

Give me your thoughts in the comment section below.


Any or all links on this site maybe affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

Resolution 105 | What does it mean for EFL teachers in Vietnam?

Resolution 105.

Hold on to your hats we are diving into the deep end.

Specifically, the Resolution strives to achieve the dual objectives of controlling the epidemic while also resuming corporate output and activities to stimulate economic growth.

In addition, the Resolution considers how to assist businesses through credit assistance, tax extensions, and measures that benefit both employers and employees. Yawn.

What’s in it for us?

Well first, the loosening of requirements for obtaining, extending, and certifying work permits for foreign workers in Vietnam is one of the most significant developments. Decree 152, announced in February, tightened limits on employing foreign labor, causing anxiety among various businesses.

The government has taken notice and requested that the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs (MOLISA) direct local provincial authorities to loosen various limitations and requirements on the issuance and renewal of work permits. These are a few examples:

As per Decree 152, the university degree had to be related to the job position in Vietnam. Now as per Resolution 105, authorities have been asked to be flexible where the degree does not have to necessarily be related to the job position in Vietnam.

Second, the training field does not have to be related to the job role or relevant experience.

Thirdly, previously issued work permits can be accepted as work experience of the expert or technical worker rather than work experience from the home country.

Lastly, as per the Resolution, foreign workers with valid work permits can be sent to another province or city for not more than six months without having to reapply for a work permit. However, the employer must report to the labor department where the foreign workers have gone to work.

The Ministry of Education and Training has been tasked with cooperating with MOLISA to provide further guidance and qualifications for foreign teachers teaching at short-term training centers, high schools, vocational training centers, and universities as per international best practices.

More stuff, but not for teachers.

Apart from human resource concerns, the government has directed appropriate agencies to ensure that corporate activity can restart while the epidemic is being addressed.

These parts deal with the Ministry of health, the Ministry of finance, the ministry of Foreign affairs and the Ministry of Health. If you really want to look you can find it on the Vietnam briefing website.

More stuff for us.

Resolution 105 also asks authorities to postpone needless corporate audits planned for 2021 until a later date.

The aforementioned initiatives demonstrate the government’s desire to speed up the economy.

Businesses have praised the new Resolution, particularly the reduction of work visa and experience requirements for foreign workers, as this will make things easier for both foreign hires and employers.

Businesses that want to hire foreigners should make sure they understand the hiring rules and make the necessary preparations.

In a Nutshell.

Things have loosened up a bit. For how long, that is anyones guess. But for now the regulations on having a work related degree have been relaxed. Not that is was stringently enforced in the first place.

Also previously obtained work permits can be shown as proof of employment. Finally, if you have a work permit you can travel and work in another region of Vietnam for up to 6 months at a time.

How all of this is going to be enforced is beyond me. Will the Centers continue to pay “happy money” to the inspectors, probably. But at least things look like they are heading back to the “new normal”

If You Like This.

If you like this, check out my other posts about teaching in Vietnam. Here is a snippet from my last blog.

Teaching EFL in Vietnam.

Many English speakers have had the opportunity to travel the world by teaching English as a foreign language (EFL).

English teaching has given teachers access to the entire world, whether they are teaching online from a laptop or traveling to poor countries to work.

Vietnam is almost synonymous with English language training. Vietnam is one of the most popular ESL destinations in the world, because to a mix of high demand, job availability, an appealing lifestyle and breathtaking environment, and a low cost of living.

Why is English Teaching so popular in Vietnam?

Around a decade ago, the Vietnamese government implemented a slew of educational changes that prioritized English literacy.

As a result, the number of English teaching jobs accessible in both public and private schools and learning centers has increased.

Because of the great demand for western English teachers, not all institutions are able to check for the finest candidates, leaving opportunities for new and occasionally unqualified teachers to obtain work in Vietnam.

It’s easy to see why, given Vietnam’s inexpensive cost of living and tempting tourism sector, Teachers want to come and enjoy the lifestyle.  Check it out  ==> HERE <==

Many thanks for reading, and I hope it helps. 


You can also check out my stuff about Vietnam on my YouTube channel.

You Tube logo

Any or all links on this site maybe affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

What is it like teaching in Vietnam?


Teaching EFL in Vietnam.

Teaching English as a foreign Language (EFL) has provided many English speakers the opportunity to explore the world.

English teaching has opened up the globe to teachers, whether they are teaching online from a laptop or travelling overseas to work in underdeveloped nations.

Vietnam has become nearly associated with English language instruction. One of the world’s greatest ESL destination is Vietnam, thanks to a combination of strong demand, job availability, appealing lifestyle and amazing scenery, and a low cost of living.

Why is English teaching so popular in Vietnam

Around a decade ago, the Vietnamese government introduced numerous school reforms that placed a high priority on English proficiency.

As a result, there has been an increase in the number of English teaching jobs available in both public and private schools and learning centers.

Because of the high demand for western English teachers, not all institutions can screen for the best candidates, leaving the door open for new and occasionally unqualified  teachers to find job in Vietnam.

When you consider Vietnam’s low cost of living and enticing tourism sector, it’s easy to see why.

What’s it like teaching in Vietnam?

It can be a gratifying and life-changing experience to teach English in Vietnam.

Vietnam is a beautiful nation with kind people. You will cultivate a lot of friendships with both the Vietnamese community and the ex-pat as well. Most who come here are very friendly and supportive to the newcomers.

Teaching English provides a more immersive experience that allows you to interact with people while also contributing to a unique culture. When you work and live in a new culture you will understand it so much more.

When moving to Vietnam, though, it’s critical to have reasonable expectations. It is not all roses and butterflies. There are some things that will get on your nerves. The constant  agressive sales approach and the nightmarish traffic being the first ones that come to mind

Things work quite differently in the east than they do in the west. While bribes and frauds are surprising to Europeans, they are viewed as the usual in Vietnam. Don’t be offended if you go for a test in hospital and you have to “gift” a little present to smooth things through. It is just the way things are done here.

Be Cautious

Also as a Teacher be cautious when accepting employment offers to ensure that they are making the best option possible. Read your contract, do not just go YEH, and sign. There might be penalty clauses for arriving 5 minutes late to class.

With the traffic in Vietnam you are going to be late sometimes, just make sure you are not penalized unduly for it. I have seen some that will dock you 1 hour if you are 5 minutes late. Power English is one of those.

Can You Teach in Vietnam without a degree?

The answer is simple: Yes, but it is getting more difficult. In Vietnam, you don’t need a degree to teach English. However, if you don’t have a degree, you’ll almost certainly require a TEFL or TESOL certificate.

For inexpensive online TESOL classes, I highly suggest AIT as they will also help you in finding a job. The owner, Heather, has been a friend of mine for over 15 years. I first came to Vietnam as an aspiring teacher and now own 2 schools and still use Heather to supply me with Teachers.

I know people who have worked as English Teachers without a degree, but these are usually at lower paying, lower quality institutions, which are the ones you should avoid. but if you are an excellent communicator you can rise above these restrictions. I have some friends with no qualifications who are now teaching in Universities.

You can negotiate better pay with better schools if you have a degree and/or a TESOL or TEFL certificate.

It’s also a good idea to take a short IELTS course online to give yourself an edge over other teachers, which will look excellent on your EFL Resuume..

How much do English teachers make in Vietnam?

No Money, no honey is a phrase you will often here in Vietnam. I did say it is different here, so you have to leave your western idealistic ways behind. Vietnam is awake, not “woke”.

English teachers in Vietnam earn between $1000-$2500 per month on average. It can be more or less depending on the hours you work.

I first came to Vietnam in 2007 and I was making  $14.00 US per hour. ( 320,000 dong). After a couple of years I was making $20.00 US per hour. ( 455,000 dong ) Now, considerably more. Now my students pay between $30 to $70 a month, and I have a lot of students. Each of my classes have a minimum of 7 students and I am currently teaching on line because of Covid, but the price remains the same.

If you build a good reputation and get to be known as a good teacher, the sky is the limit. Shoot for the stars and even if you fall short , you will hit the moon.

Teachers with degrees and TEFL certificates are more likely to earn more money so i would sugest for you to do your training upfront.

Work Schedules

When it comes to teaching English in Vietnam, there are two basic work schedules to consider when you first arrive. you may want to set up a school, but that will come later

The first is through the traditional educational system. This, of course, means that you’ll be teaching on the school’s timetable. That means early mornings, think 7.30am. Up and at it, luckily the coffee here is like rocket fuel. however I would advise to keep those late night activities to a minimum through the week.

The other option is to work at night and on the weekend. And you can do this by teaching at one of the English academies like VUS or VAS. And so many more, but be careful who you choose. With Covid some schools have gone bust and have not paid teachers. They shall remain nameless. I have not got enough money to fight a court battle. LOL.

In Vietnam, there is plenty of night jobs for ESL teachers. This is due to the fact that many English learning institutions are open after school and are currently desperate for on line teachers. Why?, because so many teachers have gone home because of Covid. You can check out my COVID update  ==> HERE <==

I have taught in both areas before opening my own schools and there are plusses and minuses to both. The first thing you have to consider is are you a morning person and can entertain 50 kids in a classroom at a public school or are you a night person who can put up with office politics.

Are you White?

Sad but true, there are no restrictions on advertising for teachers in Vietnam. If you are white , you have more of a chance to get a job. If you are a young female you will be snapped up by schools and Kindergartens. If you have a tattoo, make sure it is covered when you go for that interview. Tattoos mean you are a bad person in Vietnam

Yes, it is changing slowly and the next generation will take this amazing country into the 21st century. If you want to help them, become an EFL teacher.

  Covid and Teaching.

For the last 4 months Vietnam has been in a state of lockdown, much like the rest of the world. So teaching has been on line only in most of the cities. The students are bored because they can not see their friends and class sizes are huge.

Can you imagine teaching 50 students via Zoom or Google meet. What a nightmare. However things are looking better. The “scuttlebutt” is that classroom teaching will resume in February 2022.

These graphs show what is happening at the moment. If you need any further advice leave a comment below.

These are the confirmed cases in all of Vietnam.

These are the confirmed deaths in all of Vietnam.
These are the confirmed Vaccinations in all of Vietnam.Would I come to teach in Vietnam now?

Honestly, No. I think it is probably better to wait for a couple of months and then look at travelling. Vietnam is an amazing country that will amaze you and then frustrate you, all within one hour. But I have never regretted coming here as the experiences and the people you meet are lasting memories that will always bring a smile.

I hope to see you in Vietnam one day.


Any or all links on this site maybe affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.



On-Line Teachers Tools to make life easier

Make On-line teaching exciting and fun.

Teaching and learning online can be boring for both the teacher and student alike. But with a bit of upfront work and using some of the tools available you can go from zero to hero.

Technology has become increasingly important in the instruction of children and adolescents in this new era of learning. Here are some resources that help teachers and students communicate more effectively. You might find useful

Popular digital education tools.

Thousands of digital education tools have been developed with the goal of giving students more freedom and enhancing the learning process. These tools foster collaboration and improve communication between teachers and students. At the same time as making the lessons more exciting for both the teacher and student.

Here is a list of my most popular on line tools.


Socrative is a system that allows teachers to build exercises or educational games that students may complete using mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops, or tablets. It was created by a group of entrepreneurs and engineers that are passionate about education.

Teachers can view the outcomes of the exercises and, based on this information, adapt following sessions to make them more personalized.


cK-12 is a website that aims to bring academic books to the K12 market in the United States and around the world at a lower cost. To accomplish this goal. This platform uses an open-source interface that allows users to create and distribute educational content via the internet.

These can be customized and that includes movies, audios, and interactive exercises. It can also be printed if it meets the editorial requirements in each region. The books developed in cK-12 can be tailored to each instructor or student’s needs.


Twinkl produces instructional materials that may be used at every stage of a child’s education. Their teacher-created resources include anything from complete schemes of work, lesson plans, and evaluations to online educational games, augmented reality, and much more.

Anyone who wishes to use the Twinkl website to download teaching resources must first create a free account. A free account grants you access to a wealth of free resources. You can purchase a premium subscription to obtain unrestricted access to all of Twinkl’s award-winning teaching materials.


ClassDojo is a tool for improving student behavior. And the teachers can provide immediate feedback to their students. Good behavior in class is rewarded with points and kids are more open to the learning process.

For pair or group work, ClassDojo gives real-time alerts to students, such as ‘Well Done Susan!’ and ‘+1.’ The data gathered on student behavior can later be shared with parents over the internet.


Kahoot! is a game-based and question-based instructional platform. Teachers can use this tool to generate questionnaires, conversations, and surveys to go along with their academic teachings.

The information is shown in the classroom, and students answer questions while simultaneously playing and learning.

Kahoot! encourages students to learn through games, which boosts student engagement and produces a dynamic, sociable, and enjoyable learning environment.

Google Classroom.

Google Classroom is a powerful learning community-based social platform. Students can ask questions and receive responses from their lecturers and classmates. Teachers can also upload engaging questions and lesson materials for students to review at home.

It can also be used in conjunction with other Google products, such as Google Forms, which can be a useful tool for gathering student feedback. It is a free online learning environment that can be used with google meet.

Quizlet / Quizlet Live

Students and teachers can use Quizlet to create and share their own learning materials, such as flashcards and diagrams. Quizlet Live is a free in-class quiz game created by Quizlet that may be used to bring learning materials to life. To win, kids must all contribute, stay focused, and communicate well in this fascinating and interactive game. Quizlet routinely receives positive feedback and is a fantastic method to bring study notes into the twenty-first century.


Another free online game site is Baamboozle. Its key benefit is that it is set up in such a way that students may play online in teams without having to go into separate breakout rooms.

To put it another way, students can choose a question to answer and discuss it in front of others to find the correct response ( While other students are waiting for their turn to choose another question).

If that explanation was a little perplexing, don’t worry; after you visit the site, everything will be clear.


Starfall is an online service that was created to help children learn to read. Its phonics-based learning model includes online activities and print series that can be downloaded for use in the classroom and at home. It includes animated songs, videos, and math activities for children in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Grades 1–3.

Choosing the right Tools for Online Education

It’s just as vital to understand how the tool or platform you’re using works as it is to choose the right one.

Explore each tool and learn how to make the most of it to improve your teaching experience. Your pupils will look to you to teach them how to use the platform on their own.

There is a wide choice of remote teaching software available, and I have selected some of the finest around.

Communication Tools for the Internet

Whether in a real or virtual classroom, effective communication is essential for successful teaching and learning. Maintaining online communication with not one, but over twenty pupils is, without a question, difficult.

Platforms that enable communication with bigger groups, including video conferencing, instant messaging, voice conferences, virtual rooms, and more, can be accessed from any device and from anywhere.

The following are some of the most in-demand tools:


Microsoft Teams


Google Meet

With these tools, you can have a better teaching experience.

Make an agenda or a plan for each online session and share it with the class before it begins.

Explain to students what online etiquette they should use in class and what is expected of them prior to or at the start of the course.

All microphones, except the one used by the speaker, should be muted. This helps students maintain their focus by canceling out distracting noises. Anyone who has to say something can make a gesture to get the speaker’s attention without interrupting them.

Have I Forgotten Any of Your Favorite Online Teaching Resources?

Most of the above-mentioned online teaching tools are free, or you may test them out for free to see how they perform for you. Invite a colleague to look over the tools with you and choose the ones that best fit your teaching goals.

What other tools do you recommend for remote teaching? Please let me know in the comments section below.

This is the second in a series of articles about online teaching.  I hope you found this post helpful.


Any or all links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation, you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

Covid and Schools in Vietnam Update.

Covid updates ( October 6th )

According to the latest data, the overall number of infections in the country has risen to 803,202, with 798,626 being the result of the fourth wave of infections that has swept the country since late April.

In comparison to yesterday, the country’s seven-day average of daily confirmed new cases is down 600 cases to 8,065 cases.

According to the health ministry, the country set a new record for the number of patients given the all-clear on Saturday, with 28,857 recoveries, surpassing the previous record set the day before, bringing the overall number of recoveries to 664,938.

The health ministry’s report stated 6,337 people are still in critical condition, with 805 requiring invasive ventilation and 25 still on life support.

Saturday saw a total of 164 COVID-19 deaths, raising the seven-day average to 165. To date, there have been 19,601 COVID-19 fatalities in Vietnam, accounting for 2.5 percent of all infections.


On Friday, 760,643 doses of COVID-19 vaccination were provided, bringing the total number of immunizations administered throughout Vietnam to over 43.6 million. The second vaccine has been to 10.1 million people , this is out of a population of close on 100 million people in Vietnam.

HCM City supports COVID-19-affected foreigners

Ho Chi Minh city is home to 200,000 expats and they will be helped from now until the city is clear of viruses or so it has been said by the Government.

As a result, food and social security will be provided to foreigners in all districts and Thu Duc City who are experiencing challenges with their livelihoods and housing.

Medical supplies will also be issued to foreigners at quarantine camps.

You can find out more at the Governments official portal. ” The Socialist Republic On-Line Newspaper of the Government of Vietnam.” ==> HERE <==

Opening the doors.

So slowly the Country is opening up again after a close on 5 month lockdown for some areas. Even some domestic flights have been resumed however no International flights have started running yet at the time of writing.

The reports are confusing with somes provinces asking for flight opening delays and even Hanoi still limiting it’s flights.

Ho Chi Minh City.

But in Ho Chi Minh there will be a relaxing of Covid travel bans from October 1st. All inner-city checkpoints will be eliminated beginning Friday, but municipal police will remain patrols to protect safety as part of a plan to ease Covid-19 restrictions in the southern city.


People who have had at least one Covid-19 vaccine injection in the last 14 days or who have contracted and recovered from Covid-19 in the last six months are eligible to go out. And you will have to carry your records or have a QR code on your phone if you do go out.

You will have to show your QR codes health declaration applications to show your immunization, infection, or recovery records when asked by authorities. You can, however, show hard copies of your records if you haven’t updated them online.

At this stage no one will be permitted to leave the city on their own, and those who attempt to do so will be stopped at checkpoints located at the city’s entrances.

What does this mean for School openings.?

Most Schools are still Teaching on-line and some may not open their doors until February 2022. But it is not all bad news for teachers and students. In some of the smaller cities and towns the schools are returning and advertisements are appearing for teachers.

A Ray of Light.

If the idea of re-opening is accepted, the Thanh An school on Thanh An Island will be the first in Ho Chi Minh City to offer in-person classes in the 2021-2022 school year.

Prior to the latest Covid-19 pandemic, the municipal education department had issued a plan to the municipal People’s Committee to reopen schools in “safe” districts.

Kindergartens, first and second grade courses would be the first to reopen, followed by ninth and twelfth grade classes, and finally the rest. To avoid mass gatherings, classes would be spread throughout the day.

Let’s see what happens.

The New Rules.

Fully vaccinated instructors are one of the conditions for schools to reopen. In-person classes are optional, however individuals who are unable to attend school can still take advantage of online and broadcast lessons.

What do I Think.

In my opinion, don’t hold your breath. I don’t think the schools will be re-opening on mass this year. I believe that most classes will still be on-line. Teaching in a classroom for most will not happen until February 2022.

And if you don’t want to get your 2 vaccinations you will not be teaching in a classroom again. There are some opportunities for teaching on-line. Check out some of the teacher recruitment groups in Facebook. for Example:

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) ESL Teaching Jobs

In short, I think schools will be slow in re-opening and it will be survival mode for those who decided to ride out the Corona virus.

Good luck and if you need to reach out, leave a comment below.

For more information about Vietnam and teaching in Vietnam. Look ==> HERE <==


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