ESL Lesson Plans for Kids

A good teacher should always find new ways to engage the student. Looking for new ideas and new content for the classroom needn’t be difficult or a chore. There is a wealth of ideas and classroom activities that can be gleaned from the internet. Then you have other resources like class books, You Tube sites and Teacher forums. It is not difficult to find new resources for your students. You can use print outs or videos or apps developed for different ages and skill levels.

Your students will love you for the time you have taken to make the lessons more ineresting. It is easy to get into the habit of providinng the same type of lesson over and over again, but it is also just as easy to get into the habit of looking for new material.

First you have to make sure that it is age relevant. Also it is relevant for the skill level of the students. A good lesson plan can incorporate flashcards, worksheets, craft sheets,songs and classroom readers. Some of the sites you can get them from are;;;;;; Google earth. 

All the above websites are a good first stop for your class resources. They provide everything from wordsearches, craftsheets, flascards, songs and short readers, grammar sheets and video. British council provides apps that help with vocabulary, and stories that help with listening and speaking skills.

ESL Lesson Plans for Teenagers 

When it comes to the field of ESL education, most job prospects fall under teaching business English to adults or teaching children their basics. Teenagers don’t come first on the list because they come with their own set of challenges.

With a lot on their plate, some can often come across as moody. And if you get a big group of them, there’s guaranteed to be a lot of chatter and goofing around. A lot of teachers I know will not teach teenagers and percieve them to be too challenging for the rewards on offer. 

But teaching teenagers can also be rewarding. When teens respond well to an activity or a lesson, it can have a big impact on them. It’s rewarding to watch any English learner succeed—but helping a teenager master a skill that prepares them for college or their dream job, or broadens their understanding of the world, is an amazing feeling.

Plus, teaching teenagers basically forces you to think outside the box! They’re too old for simple vocabulary games and they don’t typically have the internal drive and focus that many adult ESL learners have. Getting creative with your lessons and discovering what motivates your students will make you feel like a super-teacher! You will be forced to think on your feet. And if you can do that, most of the other challenges you face in the classroom will seem a lot less. 

ESL Lesson Plans for Adults

Teaching adults can be a great privilege.

Let them know you care with outstanding, informative lesson plans!

Adult students are eager to learn.They take responsibility for their learning progress.

They often provide a wonderful snapshot of their own culture so both teachers and students can learn in the classroom.

But adults are also more demanding. They want to know how to function in their new language as fast as possible and they prize practicality above all else.

They’ll challenge your knowledge and methodsof instruction pushing you until they get the best information you can give.

When teaching adults the English language, it’s very important to provide practical useful language such as key vocabulary and phrases for survival in English speaking countries—that can help them in their everyday lives and advance them toward their lofty goals of English fluency. Quite often adults require a formal qualification at the end of the course. Studying IELTS would provide this framework..

The International English Language Testing System ( IELTS) is widely recognised as a test of language aility of candidates who needto study or work where English is the language of communication.

English Words Quiz

We all like a good quiz. And in the classroom it can generate a lot of laughs. Remember, laugh and learn.It can also generate discussions about english.

Where did our English words come from and who used them and how were they used. And i am also interested in the future if English. Will we still need language as we know it today. Will we be speaking or communicating like the ancient Egyptians using emojis instead of heiroglyphics. Will we even need the spoken word or will we be fitted with internal computers that  “speak” only in mathematical equations, a binary language as such. Or will some of our other abilities awaken and we find we can communicate telepathically. 

When using quizes and promoting general discussion ( This has its’ own challenges) it can be very rewarding to see your students grappling with ideas and trying to share in a language they are not fully conversant in.

Anyway, lets jump in and I can show you a couple of quizes. Thease can be put into electronic format or a print format. I would recommend starting with a printed version only until you become more conversant in handling Quizes. Remember to break your class groups that challenge one another. A small prize ( A pepsi or crisps for each winning team member) is a good idea. There are a lot of different games or quizes that you can use. One of the easiest is to go around the class using the alphabet to elicit responses for the names of individual animals or food or countries. For example A for apple, B for banana, C for chocolate  etc. a for Australia, B for Beiruit, C for Canada..etc IThis is a good warm up activity for when the students walk into the classroom. 

Teaching Speaking Quiz

1. Which of the following refers to a casual form of conversation that breaks the ice or fills silence between people?

 small talk
 quick chat
 instant message

2. Which step does not belong in the pre-communicative stage of a speaking lesson?

 introduce the function
 provide useful expressions
 play the recorded dialogue

3. “Wait time” refers to the amount of time

 between giving a presentation and getting a mark
 student should wait before asking a 2nd question
 a teacher remains silent after asking a question

4. What type of speaking activity is this? Student A: You are boarding a bus. Ask the driver if it will take you to your hotel. Student B: You stop to pick up a business traveler. Help the traveler find the right route.


5. Which role is the teacher playing here? The teacher listens to the students having a group discussion, and takes notes of sample language to go over later.


6. When setting up group discussions in the classroom it is a good idea to

 vary group sizes from time to time
 keep friends together whenever possible
 choose a narrowed down topic for students

7. The degree to which another person can understand someone’s spoken language is referred to as


8. Which of the following is an important part of spoken language that should be covered in speaking lessons?


9. Choose the word that matches the following definition: a specific language goal or aim presented in a lesson

 skill basis
 pedagogic task
 target structure

10. Maximizing STT is the same as

 micromanaging small groups
 maintaining classroom control
 minimizing teacher talking time

Just because something is old and has been used a lot in the past does not mean it is any less relevant in helping students (and teachers) attain their English goals.

Are you an ESL teacher looking for a second income?

Sometimes as an ESL ( English as a Second Language) Teacher it is nice to add more strings to our bow. Teaching ESL in exotic locations has always appealed to me, but sometimes the lifestyle can take a bump or two. Perhaps the school you were contracted with had its funds re-rallocated by the Government or you just happened to start teaching in the middle of what will turn out to be the worst pandemic in over 50 years. Covid has caught up with a lot of teachers I know, forcing them to rethink their careers. Most of us teachers love our jobs and love helping the students attain their language goals. However when it starts to get tight financially you have to be prepared to do something else. and the majic word in that sentence is “prepared”. Like most things in life you have to prepare for change. Do not expect to walk out of teaching and into another job that pays the same, especially in a foreign (possibly) third world country.

How to get a second income.

There are a number of opportunities around at the moment. we are living in strange times. The U.S.A has a very high unemployment rate currently, yet businesses are complaining that they can not get staff. Restaurants are closing because they can not find waiters and cooks. Small businesses are finding running their business has become impossible because they can not find checkout staff.. However, look on a lot of social media websites and you will always find people advertising for stock brokers and FX traders. Drop shippers and bloggers and crypto currency traders are a dime a dozen. So there are definitely positions out there but you havee to be careful. Blockchain, crypto currency traders scare me, as it looks like gambling to me. Drop shipping seems like more of a safe option. Harder work and not an overnight success story. So that is something I would consider. My only concern is that when someone like Jeff Bozos wants out, it might mean that this form of shopping might be coming to an end. My apologies if you don’t agree, but I just want to keep this in laymans terms. Easy for all of us to understand.

Affiliate marketers build wealth for many reasons – to feel financial secure, to be able to live a meaningful life, Build networks, to help others and to become an expert in what they love to do. The reasons are very individual

Marketing madness, are we all insane.

My favorite form of marketing madness is Affiliate marketing. And especially niche affiliate marketing. Heck, why don’t we make it even harder and develop a super niche and only sell…no..wait..we only offer to sell to those who are interested in our niche. And we are not going to make it more expensive to buy via us. In fact we might put together an incentive package for r patrons to thank them for us making it easier for them to find the product and purchase it. Now, if i could only include some self flaggelation …

SiteContent Editor – Wealthy Affiliate

How to become an affiliate marketer.

Becoming a good and successful affiliate marketer is not done overnight. It takes time like everything else you want to master, but having a commitment, a successful blueprint which the likes of Wealthy Affiliates has laid out, along with training classes that are a priceless help in becoming a good Affiliate marketer.

The most awesome thing with Affiliate marketing is that you can choose any niche you want. You can turn your passion into a business or you can decide to make a business around something you love. There is nothing like the feeling of enjoying your work every day. It is a very smart way of working.

Some people choose to use their time to build wealth and multiple income streams to get the life they feel they deserve.

Jaxxy and productivity.

Teachers use markers and white boards and affiliate marketers use a word or phrase research tool.Thiis tool takes the words and phrases used to find information on the web and uses that to gather in depth research on other websites. This will provide you with a huge quantity of information about other companies. And they can also help uncover low cost domains as well as fast growing businesses in the market place. How much would you pay to find out the next big thing in the financial markets or the next massive thing in the wearable technology market. Would you like to be months, if not years ahead of your competitors.Can your business not afford to have it. Jaxxy is one of these tools. Not the only one, but the only one designed by cutting edge affiliate marketers..While you are deciding on which research tool to use, Jaxxy and its owners, Wealthy Affiliates give you the opportunity to use it up to thirty times on a trial basis. ,

Money and affiliate marketing.

There will be ups and downs in your business, but don’t ever let yourself get beat as a result of lack of effort.That I would say is the #1 contributor to failure that I have seen after working with a lot of people online, many of which have created incredible success. Effort, and sustaining a high level of effort over time will have a profound and very positive impact on your business and success.

Effort alone will take you wherever you want to go within the online business world. Now get out there and be productive! Your business and your success deserves it.

Affiliate marketers build wealth for many reasons – to feel financially secure, to be able to live a meaningful life, Build networks, to help others and to become an expert in what they love to do. The reasons are very individual and drive the success of each affiliate marketer.

Wealthy Affiliates is a wonderful way to provide a second income stream.

Planning with a SWOT analysis template by Microsoft Word

We are in the middle of May and the schools are closed and the borders are closed. There are no firm dates ( In Vietnam) as to when everything gets back to normal. Am I going to sit around and moan about life being against me or am I going to take this opportunity to focus on how I can help my students return to the classroom. I want to plan and prepare my classroom lessons and activities for when everything is open again. 

The first thing i want to do is take stock of where I am (professionally and financially), where i want to go and how do i get there as well as how can i help my students achievr their language skill goals. my favorite method is by downloading a swot analysis tool from Microsoft word.   



I can use this tool on any teachers, students or other external factors that affect my work. This will focus me on moving forward as soon as possible and may even uncover any opportunities that I haven’t thought about.

As an example one of the things I could look at would be…

How to use Technology in the classroom.

  Strengths; Technology in the classroom can be used to focus the student by useing video, powerpoint as well as laptops and i-pads for a more inter active learning experience.

 Weaknesses; By useing the classroom it might be percieved by others that the teacher is relying on external sources and moving away from the base curriculum that needs to be taught.

Opportunities; Can be used to engage students who otherwise find it difficult to follow the spoken voice. Also for those who have different levels of interest in the subject. 

Threats; Could be seen by other teachers as an attempt to hijack the learning processor as an easy teaching option. Could upset the status quo.

 This is an example only, but at this stage you would decide if it was worthwhile in preparing a lesson plan useing technology.

During this period of relative inactivity you can review the different levels of students you have and the approach you use to teach them.


Laugh and Learn.

For the younger learners i am very focused on the laugh and learn approach. Make your lessons exciting with lots of movement ( Especially Kindergarten) as the younger students attention span is not as developed as the older students. Try to change activities every 5 – 10 minutes. Add a lot of visual stimuli ( Pictiures, posters and flashcards) as well as aural input. ( You tube videos and sing alongs). And games. One of the best ways to teach English is by playing games. There are games for every skill . You have.. 

  • Listening Games
  • Speaking Games
  • Reading and Writing Games
  • Vocabulary Games
  • Grammar Games

You can play hangman, Taboo, Pictionary, slap the board, last man standing and board race just to name a few of the hundreds of games out there. My advice is to try out a few games and see which ones work for you and your students. Happy hunting.

Put your time to good use and get your classroom preparation done. Your emplorers and your students will be impressed and you will be held in high esteem and hopefuly rewarded as a result.

Quite often be bemoan the fact that we don’t have enough time to put together the classroom lessons and activities we wish we had. here is your chance. 

And if finances are starting to whittle away, now is also the time to look at adding other income streams to your ESL Teaching career. I will be covering this in my next post. 

Teaching online jobs

During these times when we can’t move around much because borders are closed and schools are closed due to covid-19 it is a good idea to look at Teaching online jobs. You can improve your skills and earn while you learn.

Who are the best companies to teach online with. here we go.

A list of best companies to teach online with would include;




4) Magic Ears

5) E.F. English First

6) Say ABC

7) DaDa ABC

8) Cambly

All the above companies are great for teaching English online. And there are over a billionpeople currently learning English globally. As a result, online teaching oppurtunities are happening all around the world to keep up with demand.

The top five countries that need online teachers now are;

1) China. China has over 300 million peoplecurrently learning English. Some Chinese English teaching companies are, VIP KID, Q KIDS, itutor group, Hello Kid, GoGo kid, We talk English and DaDa.

2) South Korea. They come next on the list as most companies in Korea require applicants to have a TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication) qualification to apply. Along with adults there are a lot of peoplewho want their children to learn Engliush at a young age. Some online South Korean companies are English Hunt, Fine Teacher, Bok tutors, Engliphone and Carrot English.

3) Japan. Like south korea, employerswant their applicants to have the TOEIC qualification. Some Japanese online teaching companies are Best Teacher, Hello English, Cena Academy, English Hunt and English everywhere.

4) Vietnam. speaking English will help boost their career and the government has said they want Vietnam to be a dual language society in the near future. There is a big roll out within the government school system and there are never enough good Native English Speakers ( N.E.S.) to go around. And this also holds true for the online industry. There is a bigger focus on communicatiuon skills rather than a specific type of English.

Two Vietnamese online teaching companies are Antoree and Kidtopi.   

5) Taiwan. A lot of parents want their children to study from a young age as they believe it will help them to study or work abroad in the future, especially the United States. Taiwanese online teaching companies are Hi Tutor, Oi Kid, DMA 1on 1, and tutor ABC. 

So you know there is a high demand for teachers and where the demand is . But does it pay well?

School Teacher Salary

Your hourly rates for teaching online depend on a few factors. These being where you teach (What country) and which company you teach with?. Also what qualifications do you have? Most companies want someone with a degree. Not necessarily in the education field ( Although that would be perfect) but at least something. However you can also totor with some companies without a degree but don’t expect to be paid top dollar. non-degree hourly rates can start from around $12.00 US per hour. 

Teaching online can be a flexible and fun career, but if you don’t like children it might not be for you. Generally I have found most teachers to be good communicators and outgoing. If this is not you and you feel challenged in social situations this might not be for you.

On the upside the set up costs are minimal. A good internet connection, Skype or Zoom and an English teaching “licence” along with a computer and you can make $25.00 US per hour and more in some places.Another benefit are the hours are flexible and unlike classroom based learning, you are not tied to a curriculum. You can decide the hours you wish to invest.

also during these times of lockdown and border and school closuresyou can learn your craft while earning money.

Master Teaching online.

Before and during your recruitment process you will probably want to increase and hone your skills.

First off you will have to obtain n English teaching licence  ( Tesol, Celta or TEFL being some of them) that allows you to teach English as a second language.There are a plethora of Schools, Universities and Companies that provide these qualifications.Some better than others. My preference when looking for a new teacher is to make sure they have done some classroom teaching and not purely online teaching. Different people will recommend different courseswether Tesol, Celta or something else. It also comes down to your style of teaching and also the style of teaching and qualification your country or company prefer. For example if you prefer to teach in the T.P.R. style ( Total Physical response you may wish to go with a TESOL. However if you wish to teach in Japan a CELTA would be more appropriate. Once you have your teaching licence I would recommend specific learning for online teaching. You will find a lot of good information on both the online English teaching companies websites as well as Youtube and other sites you can google up.


As I mentioned, during these days of covid and school and border closures, teaching online makes a lot of sense. you can get all your qualificationsprior to teaching and this will give you a great entry into the world of the ESL teacher. Even if you prefer teaching face to face (in the classroom) like myself, this will give you income while you are learning your teaching skills. There are obviously differences betweenteaching online and classroom teaching, but there are also similarities. You will discover regional weaknesses in pronunciationof English and how to overcome these. you will also learn how to motivate your students to learn. What works and what doesn’t.

so what are you waiting for, jump in and become the English teacher the world needs. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback.and while it may take me a couple of days for me to reply, I will return your enquiry.    

Covid in Vietnam – School closures – Border closures – teachers needed

It is important to know what is happening in Vietnam in regards to school and border closures. Would it be better to stay home and teach in on line schools and colleges or is there some way to get ahead during this crisis?. 

An overview of the corona virus in Vietnam.

The first case of COVID-19 in Viet Nam was detected on 24 January 2020. There have been 3489 confirmed cases with 35 deaths.

The fourth wave of corona virus infections broke out in Vietnam on April 27th after about a month of no transmissions. The Deputy Health minister Do Xuan Tuan has said that the covid 19 pandemic is under control. ( As reported by Tuoitrenews)

As of may12th there were 82 new cases in the last 24 hours. If you have had any contact with others carrying COVID you can be expected to be tested and placed in quarantine for 21 days.

Ho Chi Minh City has barred gatherings of over 30 people and have shut down gyms, buffet restaurants, karaoke bars and massage parlours.It is also mandatory to wear masks in public and at any other social events participants must keep a distance of 1 meter apart. Fines are being handed out to those not complying. 

Temporary closure of tourism sites

Within the country, Vietnamese health officials have temporarily isolated several locations that are deemed high-risk, or those that have been recently visited by travellers with confirmed cases of the virus. Tourism sites across the country are also setting aside closure days to disinfect their premises. From April 23, tourism attractions in the country are allowed to reopen but must ensure safety measures are in place for all visitors. 

School closures

Universities and schools were shut down on May 4th due to the COVID 19 outbreaks and while some schools had intended to re-open on May10th, they have extended the closures and are doing on-line learning. So there are still no schools open and no date quoted as to when classes will start up again. The schools are also going into test season, so I feel there is no urgency to get the students back into the classroom. 

Border closures

If you can get into Vietnam the lockdown or quarantine period has gone from 14 days to 21 days.

Only Vietnamese nationals, foreigners on diplomatic or official business, and highly skilled workers are allowed to enter the country at this time. From Feb. 1, 2021 until further notice, anyone entering Vietnam must undergo medical checks and 21-day quarantine upon arrival.

Vietnam closed its borders and cancelled all commercial flights from March 22nd last year.and has since only allowed Vietnamese repatriates and foreign experts and highly skilled workers ( along with their families) to enter Vietnam.

All foreigners who entered Vietnam after March 1 on visa exemptions, e-visas or tourism visas will be given automatic stay extensions at no charge until April 30, 2021. Travellers still in the country must declare their temporary residence to local police, through their landlords or hotels, and must complete Vietnam’s online health declaration.

Visitors who entered the country before March 1 may be considered for the extension, provided they can show an official letter from their embassy or consulate stating they were unable to leave the country due to objective reasons (letter must also be translated to Vietnamese). Foreigners who have undergone quarantine or treatment for COVID-19 in Vietnam are also eligible for the extension and should bring their certification documents to immigrations when leaving Vietnam. 

Tourism experts are proposing to welcome vaccinated foreign passport holders starting from July. This is only in discussion at this stage and no legislation or plan has been put in place. There has been a 79% decline in tourists over the last year and in conjunction with that it has become increasingly difficult to find good nativ eEnglish speaking teachers. 

ESL teachers needed.

So at this stage, borders are still closed, schools are closed and there are no definite dates for the reopening of either

.So what can you do….a lot. This gives you an excellent chance to get ahead of the pack for when everything is reopened. The first thing you can do is get your TEFL or TESOL or whatever your preferred qualification is. ( Look at my suggestions on this site) Secondly, you can start to join the ESL teacher groups of which there are many. You have groups for each city, groups for market segments. For example there are business English groups, groups for the public schools and groups for private schools and kindergartens. Start applying for positions now and when the floodgates open you will be the first to land that dream teaching position. here are some of the groups available,

Real English Teaching jobs.

ESL Teaching jobs (China and Vietnam)

Tutoring Jobs in Vietnam.

Vietnam English Teaching jobs.

English Teaching jobs with free accommodation.

Jobs for foreigners in Vietnam.

Business English Teachers in H.C.M.C.

English Teachers in Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) ESL Teaching jobs.

FETV ( Foreign English teachers in Vietnam)

As my site is specifically for Ho Chi Minh City most of these groups deal in this area however you will often find they are looking for teachers in differents cities or provinces.


As I said the borders are closed and school is out ( Thankyou Mr Alice Cooper). But for you , this is your break to get ahead of the rest before everything starts to shift back to being normal. so get your qualifications and start applying for those jobs. There are a lot of schools now preparing for new teachers to fill the ranks. If you need any help finding training, positions, accommodation or airport pickups give me a pre emptive call and we can make life easier for when arrivals start happening again. 

Halong bay

What to bring to Ho Chi Minh City.

I think I am ready, but I am not sure. Somebody please help. What is a Xe-Om? Do I give money to the Buddhist Monks?

So you have everything organized and you are going to Vietnam. You have either been sponsored by a school to start teaching in Vietnam or the latest “covid” travel ban and lock down has been lifted. Either way, you are “on the way” to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. You might be thinking ” what should I take”. I have gotten my health check, police check (If you have been in HCMC for longer than 6 months you should do that here) and done my training. I also have all my paperwork notarized. So..what have I forgotten?

Money and Credit/Debit cards.

The amount of cash you bring is dependent on a job waiting for you or not. And if you have done all your paperwork and training.(However with the training there are two major benefits of doing it in Vietnam, 1. They can help you a job, 2.the training is geared towards teaching in Vietnam).

How much is enough? If you have everything done you could survive on $1,500.00 – $2,000.00. This may sound like too much for some people but it will give you enough for accommodation, food and travel to and from work. Personally I would feel uncomfortable in bringing so little and my comfort level starts at $5,000.00. A credit card is a healthy option but don’t go crazy on clubs or pubs. (OMG, I sound like my parents).

You may be waiting for six weeks until your first pay hits your bank account. (You will need help in setting up your bank account and the school may assist you). It is common for the agencies who act as recruiters and management of teachers to pay monthly. Then you may have to wait for 10 – 15 days for your funds to go into your account. ( Short term money market anyone).

So make sure you have enough to last 6 – 7 weeks. My advice would be to stay in a cheap hotel or something like the “Saigon workers club” ( Cheap boarding house in Go Vap district originally run by a foreigner) until you have a couple of pays under your belt. Work travel is incredibly cheap and a 30 minute Xe-Om (motorbike taxi) or Grab ride will only be $2.00 – $4.00.

Some people may say I am over-estimating the amount of money you need to bring but It is safer to have too much than too little. If you do run short of money and have to contact family or friends, the time it takes to get money from home may not leave you in a happy place.

Additional Services

You may or may not need some extra help when you land. If you do need help I can provide personalized pick up from the Airport (Ho Chi Minh City / Tan Son Nhat International Airport only) And also arrange one or two nights cheap and safe accommodation in district 1 ( Tell me your budget, but look at about $25.00 to $30.00 per night. Along with this an introduction to English Teacher Trainers and recruitment agencies and schools (All known by myself and visa versa) can be provided.

It’s the little things that matter and having a sim card (and mobile phone if needed) and introduction to your own Xe-Om ( motorbike taxi driver who can speak English) or Grab set up on your phone along with a money conversion app. can be helpful.

I have to cover my costs ( remember I am more interested in finding teachers) and time. Cost of this service is $150.00 to $250.00 depending on type of accommodation. Cost does not include smartphone. Contact me on if you wish to discuss further.

ESL Teacher training / TESOL, TEFL or CELTA

There are millions of people worldwide who dont speak English but want to. The ability to teach English is a great career boost and also a meaningful contribution to the lives of others.Students everywhere want to start their journey into learning English. And by doing the training, whether its TESOL (Teaching English to Students of other Languages), TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), or CELTA ( Certificate in English Teaching Language to Adults)  you can help them achieve their goals.
ESL teachers instruct students whose first language isn’t English in reading, writing and conversing effectively. These teachers approach English skills from a real-life perspective, often focusing on conversational and job-related communication skills. They can help students function in an environment built upon the English language, or they may work abroad to introduce students to English. Travel may be required, and teachers might need an abundance of patience when working with students who may become frustrated when trying to learn an unfamiliar language.

There is an abundance of schools providing training which can be either on-line or face to face. The length of the course and cost depends on which type of training you do and the company or school you choose. A two to four week course or 120 hours is common. This will cover your basic English teaching license and if you want to add on more units (e.g. English for business, English for tourism) or even do an ESL Diploma, you may take up to six months.

You may decide to do your course in your home country or do it in Vietnam. There are pro’s and con’s to both approaches. but if you decide to do the training in Vietnam the course is directly related to this market and schools will help you find a job.

I recommend two schools that have different approaches to training both of which I have found to be very professional.

Australian International TESOL.

Australian International TESOL provide a multitude of professional International TESOL training and certification courses, Teaching Assistant training courses, professional International ESL specification upgrades and business and industry specific career ESL education upgrades. AIT TESOL’s intensive courses are renown for their International ESL methodologies, practical ESL implementation, ESL consulting and career opportunities throughout Vietnam and selected Asian destinations.

AIT TESOL offer:
– International TESOL Certification
– Industry Specific upgrade electives
– AIT TESOL Professional Diploma
– Teaching Assistant training courses

AIT TESOL courses are available at multiple locations across Vietnam and now available online!

Visit AIT TESOL and start your TESOL journey today!

World Tesol Academy

A TESOL/TEFL certificate is an essential qualification required by most schools when hiring English language (ESL) teachers.

Through this qualification course, you’ll learn the foundational skills needed to become an English language teacher. This includes an essential understanding of how the English language is structured, along with a range of classroom management skills and language teaching techniques.

By the end of the course you’ll earn your TESOL/TEFL qualification and gain a set of skills that can be used to teach English overseas and online.

Victoria’s story:

“A great course for the price. I’m too busy for going to a class and I need a recognized TESOL certificate for my online teaching work.” 
I’ve recently learned about online teaching and decided to give it a try.  After some researching I found that I would need a “TESOL” or “TEFL” certificate to get employed by one of the big companies. The biggest companies are based in China and the law there says that you need a recognized certificate to teach.

The course took me about 10 days to finish and I completed it using my Ipad. As I was most interested in online teaching (at least for the time being) I found the online teaching module toe be particularly interesting.

On Line Teaching


If you wish to teach from the comfort of your home you may consider on line teaching. You can either organize your own classes or tutor one on one. Zoom conferencing is an exceptional tool for this purpose.

Google meet is also awesome. It gives you 1 hour free teaching time. I have run over time by 15 minutes and still have not been kicked out of the conference call.

Or you may wish to use an online agency. There are a lot of choices in this market with China being the largest market. The pay rates range from lower than face to face teaching and higher, but the upside is you don’t have any traveling time and you can teach from anywhere in the world.

The only thing to remember is you have to allow for the time difference of the country you are teaching in. Your salary will be put into your PayPal or Payoneer account.

Magic Ears, VIPKID, EF Education First, Skimatalk, Preply and GoGoKid. are some of the the better schools available.

Magic Ears – Teach English Online to Chinese Students

Magic Ears is currently the top choice for ESL teachers from the USA and Canada. Founded in 2017, this company is a great option for English teachers.

The platform connects teachers with Chinese students aged 4 – 12. Lesson planning, marking homework and spekaing with the students’ parents is all dealt with by Magic Ears — you’re simply there to teach!

Classes are 25 mintue’s long, and you can earn up to $26 per hour.

Pros to Teach English Online With Magic Ears:

  • It’s a high-paying position at up to $26 per hour
  • You can work remotely from anywhere in the world
  • No Bachelor’s Degree is required, but you must be actively working on obtaining your certificate
  • Magic Ears offers a TEFL for just $20 (not transferrable to other online English teaching jobs)
  • Set your own schedule (but open at least 30 “peak hour” slots within your first 30 days)
  • Classes are 4-on-1 which is easier to manage than a larger group
  • Magic Ears creates the lesson plans for you
  • Application and interview procedure is easy
  • Use their teaching platform — no need to download any apps or programs
  • You don’t need to speak Mandarin or Cantonese
  • Salaries are paid via PayPal
  • There’s an engaging community on Facebook and assistance is available

Cons to Teaching English Online With Magic Ears:

  • Only Canadians and Americans can apply
  • Time change issues if you aren’t living in Asia


For more information about teaching on line and teachers tool , please visit

my website..

Tech Tools for the classroom

Teach Easy.

To make your life easier in the classroom (Public schools) it is advisable to have some tools available to help.


Classroom sizes in Vietnam are pretty big. You can walk into a class of 50 students every day. If you are not prepared you will be exhausted by days end. You need help to project your voice.

What do I need?

First off a wireless headset with a blue tooth connection to a speaker will save your voice after a day in the classroom.

I currently use an “Aporo”  wireless headset and Sony 30 watt speaker (XB32). As well as this I run all my audio recordings through Google drive on my cell phone.

Any good wireless headset and speaker will work. I recommend you try before you teach.

My cell phone is also connected via blue tooth to the Sony speaker. I have pre-saved all my audio recordings to my cell phone and pre-program the tracks I need for the lessons ahead.

I also use a mini projector for any visual presentations and display it on a wall in the classroom. Or I use a whiteboard or a rollout screen. I also have the audio output of the projector connected to the Sony speaker.

If you want to make your classroom experience more exciting and easier for you, invest in your future.

Here are a couple of items that may help.

I hope this helps. Also, have a look at my other posts, they might even help you.

 How to teach English in Vietnam. – Teaching ESL in Vietnam 2021 ( 

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